rate transmitter

英 [reɪt trænzˈmɪtə(r)] 美 [reɪt trænzˈmɪtər]

网络  【电子】速率发射机; 速率發射機



  1. Convolution, correlation. Firing rate. Spike-triggered average. solid state UHF TV transmitter
  2. The encoding rate of G. The transmitter unit mainly consisted of the dibit-to-serial conversion, differential encoder, PN code generator and QPSK modulator and so on.
  3. The system consists of power supply layer, loading control layer, front processing layer of signal, industrial control PC layer and upper PC, converting rate of transmitter and intelligent detecting module etc.
  4. The system is a Pecora-Carroll chaotic synchronization system. Based on the Lang-Kobayashi rate equation, theoretical model of the transmitter and the receiver laser was established.
  5. In a system of space optical communication, it will influence to bit error rate of the communication system when the optical transmitter wiggles as vibration of the satellite's platform.
  6. The verification of the computer automatic measuring system of the standard orifice differential pressure gas flow rate, including the examination of standard orifice restricting device, static pressure differential pressure transmitter, temperature sensor and data acquisition system, etc.;
  7. The results show that quantum bit rate based on the ideal single-photon source cannot be obtained when the transmitter pulse repetition rate is definite and the single-photon source with Poisson distribution is used, and this is the price paid for secret communication.
  8. Study of a digital and low rotation speed turbine flow rate transmitter
  9. Simulation results demonstrate that this rate is different depending on whether the channel state information is available or not for transmitter and receiver.
  10. In MIMO system, the data transmission is more reliable and the bit error rate is reduced. The system can improve its capacity performance significantly without increasing the transmitter power or system bandwidth.
  11. The conclusion is that there are no best solution to both the doppler frequency shift and the packet arrival rate of the transmitter.
  12. Space-time code can make full use of MIMO channel capacity to increase rate and improve performance in case there is no channel state information ( CSI) at the transmitter.
  13. At the same time, we put forward to compute Doppler centric frequency and Doppler frequency rate by vector method. From footprint trajectory of transmitter and receiver, we derived the formulae of integrated time and azimuth resolution.
  14. Under the average interference constraint, the transmission rate is better than that under the peak interference constraint, due to the power adaptation between the transmitter and relay.
  15. According the theory of watermarking, two algorithms proposed can detect watermarking information even in wireless environment with low embedding rate. And the algorithms can improve PRPA of transmitter in some way.
  16. Principle of the Direct Spread Spectrum communication system, sampling theory and the multiple rate digital signal processing are discussed. The procedure of signal processing of the system, including the transmitter and the receiver, is introduced.
  17. The increasing of data rate and bandwidth of phase signal demands the transmitter provides better phase modulation performance.